Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Last (?) update on feet

Today I went to see Dr Brunet because I was worried about the healing process. My right foot is still uncomfortable and often swollen, bruised or numb.
He reassured me (us, really, Neil and Mary Ann were there, too) that this is a normal process, perhaps a bit slow, but not unusual. It can take more than a year to adjust and this has only been 5 months.

He recommended good solid running/walking shoes (no more Crocs) and wearing shoes at all times, even in the house (Birkenstocks, etc.), and socks of course. Such a fashion plate!

Also gave me a prescription for orthotics and recommendation for a good place to get them.

He showed us the before and after x-rays again, and thoughtful Mary Ann took a picture. No more x-rays today, though. On the left, both feet before any surgery. You can see why I needed it!
On the right, Dr Brunet's work. The pins at the top (X) are gone now, by the screws at the base remain.

Patience is the watchword!

My pretty toes at Jilly's wedding. and finally, the feet today, with my bronzed toenails from my first fancy pedicure.