Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Internal and external updates

Well, I have been to the orthopedic surgeon to find out about getting my bunions fixed. And I'm going to get the first one done this summer! After they break the long toe bones and realign them, they put you in cast for 6 weeks. Then there's 6 more weeks of gentle motion, and after that, things should get to a new normal. She also prescribed a shoe-fix to help the metatarsals, expecially in my right foot. My new shoes at are at the shoe expert's now. I'm getting the left bunion done first, because the bunion there, although less pronounced than the one on the right foot, accounts for more of the pain in that foot.

And the skin?
I have nearly no psoriasis on my feet, except below the ankle bone on my left heel, mostly. But it has been all over my shins all spring. Flaming red, bumpy shins are not nice in shorts weather! It's fading a lot on the left leg and a little on the right. I just keep treating it with Dovabet and the tarry-salicylic cream, and Vaseline if it gets too itchy between doses. I think I've kept it under control: no infections anyway. I have an appointment with Dr. Dossetor next week, so we'll see what she says.