Monday, August 26, 2013

Walking around, sort of

I can get around quite well now, and haven't needed the lovely cane Roy Flett made for me very much. But it certainly helps on rough ground and "long" walks. That's about 3 short city blocks, or a store witihout a shopping cart.
The cast rubs on my toes and, of course, my right leg compensates in peculiar ways for my left foot's unusual stiffness. But while I had some pain and twinges last week, all seems to be much calmer this week. It hurts most when I'm in bed: I think it's because my brain is mostly unoccupied then and the effect is like poking at a sore tooth.
I am a little concerned about my skin under the cast. Sometimes it feels very hot, other times rather slimy or cold, and sometimes --rarely--it itches. Walking with a bare heel exacerbates the calluses and cracks, so I have been basting it regularly with Doak Oil (which has been discontinued! oh, no!) when I soak the right foot. And I have it wrapped in a piece of old t-shirt, after I put on the Dovobet. So the exposed part is doing pretty well, although a bit flaky.
My right foot is okay, but the footwear that provides the most balanced height for both feet is a Croc, which doesn't provide support and which irritates the skin on my heel. So it's socks and Crocs, or, more accurately, sock and Croc, for the right, and bare toes, the cast, a wrapped heel and the cast boot on my left.  What a fashion statement!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Bunion surgery and recovery

My feet at Mallory Square, after walking across Key West, January 2013.
 This is my left foot after bunion surgery. I had to stay entirely off it for 2 days (counting surgery day, August 7, nearer to 3 days). Once the nerve block was used up and removed, yesterday, Friday, August 9, I was able to walk, although it was more difficult last night than this morning.
Today, it hardly hurts, but I think my vigorous garden and patio weeding operations (mostly seated or leaning) did some skin chafing with the cast. But it's okay.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Less than a week...

I'm going for bunion surgery on August 7. Two or three days of bed rest, then 6 weeks in a cast, then 6 weeks of limited exercise. I hope it is worth it.
I got the shoes worked over by the shoe specialist: they make me taller by about a centimetre, and they are very heavy. They can be hot to wear, and rather dorky sometimes, when I'm a tourist, but they do help my feet and hip work better.
My psoriasis is pretty calm, since it's summer, and remains more pronounced on my shins than on my feet. 
Will report after surgery.