So, about a week ago Monday-ish, I got a scratch on my left arm, on the inner forearm, in a spot that's always resting on desks, counters, knees, etc. It was a deep, straight scratch, but I don't remember it happening. In fact, people pointed it out to me before I noticed it myself. It didn't hurt. After a couple of days, though, it got itchy and reddish; oh, oh, an infection!
After that, things went straight to hell. I tried Polysporin, I tried alcohol (applied externally), I tried hot, hot water to urge the infection to hurry up and leave. On Friday when I went to Toronto, I had it well bandaged to keep out germs and keep ooze in.
But it got worse and worse. By Monday, it was a big bump that oozed yellow (and sometimes red) liquid all the time! It got redder and itchier. Then I remembered I still had some silver absorbent stuff left over from wound care of the foot, and I applied that on Wed. and Thurs. It seemed to do the trick. The oozing and itching have diminished a lot. It's still red and tender, but motly dry. What a pain!